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Tiny Houses Carpentry Apprenticeship Project
2013 / 2014
CLIENT ~ Carcross/Tagish First Nation
The tag line for this project was “Small homes, big dreams," which kind of says it all. The vision for this project came from within the Carcross/Tagish First Nation, who invited Thomas to help them make it a reality. Thomas was one of the founders of the project, and led the process of building and facilitating the amazing team of C/TFN Staff, Citizens, Journeymen, Funders and other Partners who made it all happen.
This community-driven project provided a creative mix of employment, social and educational supports. Participants were invited to build the program with staff, from start to finish. It has changed many lives for the better.
"This community-driven program provided a creative mix of employment, social and educational supports."
Nelson Lepine,
CEO, Carcross Tagish Management Corporation
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